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Module 3: My Culture, Your Culture

My Culture, Your Culture

Sample Activity 3.1


What our cultures have in common


To enable the student to:

  • Identify key characteristics that describe their native culture
  • Explain these key characteristics to a person of a different culture
  • Demonstrate commonalities between cultures
  • Imagine activities that encourage teamwork


Mentor and mentee provide each other with a summary of what it is like to grow up in their own cultural contexts. Some topics they may wish to discuss include family life, meals, clothes, school, transport, music, sport, weather etc. Together, they identify what their cultures have in common and compile a list. Then they suggest some activities for group work (in class or extracurricular) based on these common areas.




45 minutes


Pen and paper, computers to access multimedia


Option 1. Create a presentation: Download the template

Option 2. Create a poster: Download the template


Option 1. Create a presentation

Evidence/means of assessment: File with the presentation (See instructions in "Create a presentation" template)

Modality: Self assessment and Peer assessment

Instrument: EV_SHOWCULTURE_Assessment of the presentation of cultural elements (Rating scale for the presentation) in Evalcomix. See instrument here

Option 2. Create a poster

Evidence/means of assessment: File with the poster (Use "Create a poster" template)

Modality: Self assessment and Peer assessment

Instrument: EV_POS_poster assessment (Rating scale for the poster) in Evalcomix. See instrument here

Sample Activity 3.2


Celebrating diversity


To enable the student to:

  • Select one different aspect of their native culture
  • Showcase this aspect in an appropriate way (e.g. play native music, read a favourite native story, show photos or videos of their native land and people)


Students present an aspect of their culture that they feel is representative of their native culture (e.g music, dance, visual imagery, literature etc)


Creating and making a presentation


45 minutes (with option of preparatory homework)


Students’ own materials, multimedia tools for presentation (if applicable)


Create a presentation: Download the template


Create a presentation

Evidence/means of assessment: File with the presentation (See instructions in "Create a presentation" template)

Modality: Self assessment and Peer assessment

Instrument: LC_CUL_Cultural presentation assessment (Control list for the presentation) in Evalcomix. See instrument here